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Date coaching helps you successfully find love by identifying your strengths and helping you master whatever is impeding you from bringing lasting love into your life. Maybe you are carrying around old wounds; keep choosing men who are relationship poison (unavailable, controlling, self-absorbed), or feel unworthy. Maybe you’ve been told that you’re “too independent” or had “unrealistic expectations”. Or perhaps you feel you’re not interesting or can’t “compete”. It’s common to be strong and secure in other areas of life, but perplexed when it comes to love, or to wonder what’s wrong with you (hint: nothing)

In the initial phase of an in-depth coaching package, we’ll get to know you - through an extensive questionnaire, personal interview, and some assessments that include your personality type, temperament, and relationship style. We’ll look at both the positive and negative messages and beliefs you tell yourself, and your perspective/attitudes about life. Not only does it give us insight into your choice in partners, it enables us to create a model of the great guy you’ve been looking for, and probably passing up.

Of course, sometimes you just want to tweak a few things; get specific help in one or two areas; or get assistance with your online profile. We can do that, too!


What exactly are the challenges that can hold us back from finding love? 

Here is what we hear over and over: 

  • Understanding how the male mind works—(which we make sense of it for you!)

  • Flirting and all that goes into it / being approachable when he flirts (yes, it’s teachable!)

  • Dealing with your inner critic & self-judgment

  • Learning how to date online safely & successfully (it can and does work)

  • Increasing self-confidence to consciously and intentionally direct your romantic future

  • Being able to tell if he’s a hero or a zero

  • Determining when to move forward sexually

What else? How to…

Date successfully offline
Detect emotional & behavioral red flags from the first contact
Create a standout first impression—let’s face it, he needs to be attracted first before he can fall in love with the fantastic woman you are underneath
Establish boundaries
Read body Language—65% of everything we communicate is nonverbal, 27% through our voice, and 7% through our actual words.

Most of us get very anxious before a first date but we have to remember that the only purpose of a first date is to get a second date (unless you saw red flags everywhere using my partner potential rating technique).  That's it. You will bring your know-how of being a great date, while at the same time taking charge of determining whether this is someone you want to see again. So relax and enjoy the experience. It's not about whether he is the one you want to marry. 

Now that you're clear it isn't about marrying this person you're meeting on a first date you can breathe a deep sigh of relief, right?  Listen, we can all know something in our head, but worry anyway. Date coaching can help you ease the stress of what to expect on a first date so you can be your very best self (which translates into the most attractive version of yourself) on the date. Ultimately, it's about feeling empowered. When we worry, we get anxious and we get desperate.  My role as your date coach is to help you become more confident and enjoy yourself. 

To learn more about any of the services offered, please click here to visit my contact page to send me a private message so we can connect.